Selasa, 19 Agustus 2008

Spesifikasi Dan Kelengkapan Isuzu Panther LM Smart | LV | LS

* Klik gambar diatas untuk memperbesar

Kelengkapan Smart:
Power Steering, AC Single NipponDenso, Audio Head Unit JVC Single Disc 2 Speaker, Alloy Wheels R"15, Tyre 205/65, Sliding Jog Depan, Seat Belt Otomatis, Child Lock, Under Spare Tyre, Odometer Digital, Fuel Opener with Cable, Inner Door Handle Kioraku Type, Central Door Lock, Electric Mirror, Alarm, Power Windows, Flat Doortrim, Vynil Seat Cover.
Warna: Platinum Silver, Mauritius Blue, Black, Highland Green, Aquamarine Blue

Kelengkapan LV:
Standard Kelengkapan Smart + : Audio Head Unit Kenwood Single Disc, Floating Doortrim, Engine Hood ornament with Chrome, Insert Grill Chrome, Foglamp, AC Pin Satin finished, List Bezel satin finished, Leather Steering Wheel (4Spokes), Console Box.
Warna: Platinum Silver, Mauritius Blue, Black, Highland Green, Aquamarine Blue

Kelengkapan LS:
Standard Kelengkapan LV + : Audio with 4 Speaker 2 Tweeter, Jam Digital, RearWiper, 2nd Row Seats with Reclyning, Turn Sign Mirror, Side Body Moulding List, Foot Step with Polyurethane Cover, Engine Hood ornament and whole Grill Chrome, Door Handle Chrome, Rear Garnish Chrome, AC Double Blower, Full Leather Seat Cover.
Warna: Smart Red, Black Solid, Artic Silver, Dune Grey.

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